Bring your brand to life.

How it works

Pick Your Products

Every store gets up to 8 products listed on our free plan. You pick the products, we do the work! Your brand to your people, hassle-free.

Upload Your Logo

Upload your logo in the best version you have it - we'll make it work on all our products. If we have any questions we'll get in touch!

Kick Up Your Feet

While we build your store! We get all the artwork ready, designs set, print test runs of all your items, photograph them, and get ready to launch!

Press "Go!"

Your store is ready! Items are stocked! Our team is in place ready to get your brand on great items delivered to your people.

Fresh Fork Market

Fresh Fork Market wanted a way for their 3,000 really wonderful and enthusiastic customers to support their company. They chose to offer three products their customers could wear and use around town and at home while enjoying their all local groceries.


Breakthrough Schools

Breakthrough Schools wanted a way to let students, parents, teachers, and community supporters wear their brand. They tried purchasing items in bulk but ended up sitting on a bunch of inventory - especially t-shirts and sweatshirts in all sorts of unused sizes. They opted to setup coupons for their employees so everyone could get a free $25 for any items they wanted!

Minds Matter

Minds Matter wanted a way for its 1,000+ volunteers to carry their brand around the major US cities they operate in. Tote bags did just the trick. Volunteers, supporters, and students all ordered the ones they preferred.


Plans and pricing


It's free!
  • Up to 8 products
  • Each branded with your logo
  • Shipped with Lively Stores shipping label


$50 per month
  • Up to 25 products
  • Each branded with your logo
  • Shipped with your custom shipping label
  • Custom website URL for your store
  • Advanced purchasing reports


$500 per month
  • Up to 100 products
  • Each branded with your logo
  • Shipped with your custom shipping label
  • Custom website URL for your store
  • Bulk purchases from expanded catalog
  • Advanced store credit and payment methods
  • Custom on-demand design services

Get Started

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